When you begin to tell your story, it’s a journey in itself
After a while, you find within yourself a space,
where feelings, facts and details meet
and the core essence of who you are:
Here we will meet.
At a place where you and your audience become one.
A deep presence, where the process of your journey
becomes a vehicle for the process of your audience.
Where your story becomes a drop that moves an ocean.
These are the films we create.
And often it doesn't need a huge hollywood-crew.
But rather it needs awareness.
As filmmakers coming from a conventional film industry,
and after many years working in advertisement and journalism
Our own story brought us to this moment,
where our awareness of ourselves, and the films we want to make, evolved.
We tell a story and make visible, that which cannot be visualized or told.
Because it is about an experience, and experiences are unique.
We tell stories about self grow, about healing, beliefs and magic in this world.
Stories about becoming a human.
Here we will meet.